While you have likely been told that you can put glass in your green bins on recycling day did you know that any glass being put in your single stream bin is actually ending up in our landfill? Please DO NOT put glass in your single stream bin!
There is now DROP OFF GLASS RECYCLING in Evansville!
Tri-State Resource Recovery (TSRR) our local Materials Recovery Facility (MRF) now has blue metal bins in their front lot where you can drop off your clean glass bottles!!
Here are the details:
- Drop off hours are Monday-Friday 8am-3pm
- Please make sure your glass is clean and NO LIDS!
- Location is 1511 Harriett however you pull in off Read St. off of Morgan Ave.
Facts about Glass Recycling
- Glass is infinitely recyclable (meaning it can be endlessly recycled without a loss in quality or purity).
- One ton of carbon dioxide is reduced for every six tons of recycled glass used in the manufacturing process.
- Materials used to make glass are not renewable.
- It takes less energy to recycle glass than to make new glass.